Education and Training

General Information

DEOMI Course Schedule

DEOMI courses are only offered as In-Residence with the exception of specific seminars which may be offered virtually.  Please see the individual course tabs for those that are available.  Please check back often for updates.

►  DEOMI FY25 Military EO Course Schedule
►  DEOMI FY25 EEO Course Schedule


Cover Page Artwork for DEOMI 2025 Course Catalog

►  DEOMI Course Catalog (2025)


Accreditation is a status granted to an educational institution or program that meets or exceeds established criteria of educational quality and student achievement. Accreditation by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education (COE), is recognized as a nationally-honored seal of excellence for occupational education institutions, denoting honesty and integrity.

Earning COE accreditation is a remarkable and celebrated recognition, but it is only the first step for institutions dedicated to demonstrating continued academic excellence. The time and resources required to maintain accreditation are substantial. For example, an accredited institution must submit an annual report to show compliance with COE standards and criteria. Also, every program must have an advisory committee that meets at least twice a year to document curriculum changes, analyze academically pertinent statistics, and assess student and faculty surveys.

The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute has maintained its accreditation with the Council since 1983. In 2023, the Council’s President and CEO, Dr. Kirk Nooks, formally recognized DEOMI for achieving 40 years of continual accreditation during the Council’s annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. An article on this milestone achievement was published in our first quarter 2024 newsletter. (Click here to read the article)

On Sept. 13, 2024, the Commission reaffirmed DEOMI’s accreditation. The institute’s next reaffirmation is scheduled to take place six years from now, in 2030.

Persons wishing to make comments may contact the Executive Director of the Commission, Council on Occupational Education at:

Council on Occupational Education
7840 Roswell Road, Building 300, Suite 325
Atlanta GA 30350
Local - (703) 396-3898
Toll-free - (800) 917-2081
Fax - (770) 396-3790
Website (

Student Resources

Institutional Facts

►  DEOMI Building Fast Facts

College Credits

DEOMI, in partnership with the American Council on Education (ACE), awards college credit to most occupational training courses.

The link below outlines the DEOMI courses ACE has evaluated for credit recommendations.

►  DEOMI College Credits

Transcript Requests

To order a transcript, use the following request form, fill it out and mail or scan and e-mail it to the address shown on the form.  If you have common access card (CAC) capability you may digitally sign and e-mail to the address shown on the form.

►  Fillable / Printable Request Form                                 ►  Fillable Request Form with Digital Signature

email completed form to DEOMI Student Services at:

The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) will issue an official transcript for each person who successfully completed the Equal Opportunity Advisor Course (EOAC), Equal Opportunity Advisors Reserve Component Course (EOARCC), Equal Employment Opportunity Professional Series:  Entry (EPS-E), Intermediate (EPS-I or Advanced (EPS-A).

Request for official transcripts will be in accordance with the following:

  • Because transcripts contain information subject to the Privacy Act of 1974, the requests must be signed by the graduate. Although not mandatory, it is recommended the REQUEST FORM ABOVE be used to ensure all required information is provided.
    • Students are advised courses of study reflected on transcript(s) may or may not be accepted by a receiving institution. You may request up to six (6) transcripts at one given time.
    • DEOMI does not charge a transcript fee. Transcript(s) are mailed in Official Envelopes Only.
  • Students who are disenrolled from the course of instruction for academic or behavioral deficiencies will not receive a transcript.
  • Transcripts will reflect pass or fail grades of all recommended undergraduate credits. A passing grade is awarded if the individual's final grade is 70 or above.
  • An individual graduating prior to April 24, 1986, will receive letter grades equal to his or her final grade (95-100=A), (85-94=B), (75-84=C), (70-74=D).

For more information call
Commercial: (321) 494-4617/5214/5874 or DSN: 854-4617/5214/5874 


Student Standards Policy

The student standards policy provides guidance on the academic standards for students attending DEOMI training.

►  DEOMI's Student Standards Policy Memo


This area under review.  Please check back for updates.

Students enrolled in either resident or non-resident DEOMI courses/programs are afforded certain rights that contribute to their overall success and satisfaction.  Please see documents below for full details.

►  DEOMI's Grievance Policy Memo

Reasonable Accommodations

Students requiring a reasonable accommodation may complete the form at the link below and submit to  Email should be sent with appropriate security measures to protect your personal information.

►  Reasonable Accommodation Request Form


DEOMI External Training Request Support Form

Organizations requesting DEOMI to conduct training at their organization download the form and email to





Air Force

U.S. Coast Guard


Army National Guard



Army Reserve

Army National Guard

Air National Guard

Airforce Reserve




Air Force


U.S. Coast Guard

Army National Guard

Defense Finance and Accounting Service

Defense Health Agency (DHA)

The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute or the Department of Defense of non-U.S. Government sites or the information, products, or services contained therein. Although the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. Such links are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this website.