Research and DevelopmentDEOMI Press Logo

Publications and Initiatives

DEOMI Research

The product below is DEOMI's updated research bibliography with select books, chapters, journal articles, conference papers, and reports authored at DEOMI and relevant to today.

►  DEOMI Research Bibliography


Profile of the Military Community (2021)

Portrait of Women in Government (2022)

Portrait of Women in Government (2021)

Portrait of Blacks/African Americans in Government (2022)

Portrait of Blacks/African Americans in Government (2021)

Portrait of Hispanic Service Members (2022)

DoD Disability Civilian Employment (2021)

Portriat of Asian American and Pacific Islander Service Members (2022)

Profile of American Indians/Alaskan Natives in Government (2020)

Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) Military and Civilian Office of Under Secretary for Personnel & Readiness Population Representation Reports

Proceedings and Presentations

Technical Reports

Determinants of Privilege, Justice, Unit Cohesion and Unit Effectiveness in the Military Executive Summary Measuring Microaggression and Organizational Climate Factors in Military Units No Laughing Matter: Interracial and Intra-ethnic Patterns in "Off Color" Jokes

Analysis of Impacts of EO-SAPR on OE Job Satisfaction Based on DEOCS Longitudinal Data Using Decision Tree (TECR 22-01) Resonating with a Morality Framework (TECR 21-08) Readiness and Selection Assessment of Equal Opportunity Advisors(TECR 20-01) A Tale of Two Studies (TECR 17-12) Beyond the Job Analysis: A Descriptive Analysis of EOA Organizational Assessment (TECR 07-02) DEOMI Diversity Climate Scale (DDMCS) (TECR 53-09) DEOMI Diversity Management Climate Survey (DDMCS) Ver1.0 (TECR 54-09) Emotional Intelligence: The Leadership Challenge (TECR 96-11) Foundation for Diversity Training: Competency Model and Learning Objectives Framing Cross-Cultural Competence (3C) Learning Outcomes in a Competency Model (TECR 15-10) Increasing the Utility of Scenario-Based Testing at DEOMI (TECR 04-08) Latent Profile Analysis of an Equal Opportunity Climate Measure Review of Literature as part of DEOMI Unit-Level Cross-Cultural Competency Project (TECR 28-08) Reviews of Scientific Military 3C Literature and Pertient Pschometric 3C Related Measures (TECR 27-08) Ship Climate and Ship Performance The Evolution of Task Classifications for Military Equal Opportunity Advisors (TECR 11-07) The Impact of Size of Unit on Responses to DEOCS (TECR 04-07) Toward an Operational Definition of Cross-Cultural Competence from Interview Data (TECR 01-08) Toward an Operational Definition of Cross-Cultural Competence from the Literature (TECR 03-08)

A Preliminary Investigation into Dynamic Measurement and Implicit Affect in Assessing Cross Cultural Competence

A Proposed Developmental Sequence for Cross-Cultural Competence Training in the DoD

Assessing Alternative Approaches to the Development of a DEOMI Cross Cultural Inventory

Behavioral Framework for Effective Intercultural Interactions

Cross-Cultural Competence (3C) and Diversity Management Support

Cross-Cultural Competence and Strain in the Military: The Role of Emotion Regulation and Optimism

Cross-Cultural Competence What Roles Does It Play Within the Military?

Cultural Heritage: Education Assessment Executive Summary

Developing and Managing 3C

Finding Value in Human Relations

Foundation for Diversity Training: Competency Model and Learning Objectives

Issues in Diversity Management

Leadership in Cross-Cultural Contexts

One Size Does Not Fit All, 3C Training and Development Symposium

Regulatory Fit and Equal Opportunity/Diversity: Implication for DEOMI

Relating Values to Military Styles, Force, Protection and Operational Goals

The A Validation Study of the Defense Language Office Framework for Cultural Competence and an Evaluation of Available Assessment Instruments

The Development of the CCCI

The Effects of Personality Dissimilarity on Mission Readiness

The Role of Affect in Cross-Cultural Competence

Transformational Leadership Role of Diversity Climate

When Diversity Training Isn't Enough

The Psychological Processes Underlying Political and Ideological Extremism

Executive Summary on Hazing in the Military (DMDC) Military and Civilian Demographics

Hazing: A Military Study

In the Military: A Pilot Study

The Shift from Acceptance to Prevention

DEOMI Review and Recommendations based on readily available Foreign Military Experiences with the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Gender Minorities Military Policies and Recommendations

Homosexuality and the Israel Defense Forces (DMDC) Military and Civilian Demographic

The Effects of Including Gay and Lesbian Soldiers in the British Armed Forces

The Effects of Including Gay and Lesbian Soldiers in the Australian Defense Forces

Effects of Sexual Harassment on Job Satisfaction, Retention, Cohesion, Commitment and Unit Effectiveness: The Case of the Air Force (DMDC) Military and Civilian Demographics

Exploring Missing Values on Responses to Experienced and Labeled Event as Harassment in the 2004 Reserves Data

Sexual Harassment and Organizational Outcomes Executive Summary

The Impact of Sexual Harassment on Likelihood of Reenlisting in the U.S. Military, 2002

Ethical Leadership: A Factor in Mission Readiness

Leader Effects on Follower Toxic Behavior

The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) houses scientific and technical documents and provides both public and official access to research papers, dissertations and theses, journal articles, some products, and other items. To access older DEOMI items or research to include those of collaborative agencies, access the DTIC database link below. DEOMI products can be found through the Advanced Search portal under the Organization Code #420294.

DTIC Database

Annotated Bibliography

Diversity and Gender Diversity

Generational Differences

Implicit Association

Women in Military



LGBT and Family Support

LGBT Military Integration

Military Sexual Trauma

Predictors of Sexual Harassment


Sexual Harassment Technology

Sexual Harassment Training Methods

Toxic Leadership and Related Constructs


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